Friday 8 February 2013

Firefox for CyberMentors

CyberMentors are young people who volunteer their support, help and advice to peers who are experiencing bullying, all within the safe environment of the CyberMentors website. CyberMentors receive specialist training from Beatbullying staff designed to help them deal with any bullying issue, including coping with online bullying and ways to stay safe on the internet.

Beatbullying hopes that every school in the UK will employ the use of this new custom Firefox browser which makes the job of CyberMentors easier and their response time even quicker. The new Firefox build keeps a CyberMentor’s workflow visible, meaning they have quick and easy access to content and tools including:
  • Chatting with victims of bullying and other CyberMentors
  • Reporting online bullying
  • Providing tips for online safety
  • Accessing the Beatbullying media centre
The Firefox browser has been customised with building-in buttons and a media-player which links easily to CyberMentors video and audio. The browser also has a customised “Persona” (a “skin” for the user interface) in line with CyberMentor’s branding.
The launch of Firefox for CyberMentors builds on a partnership announced in March 2009, which saw members of the Mozilla community volunteer to be trained as CyberMentors. Mozilla’s involvement stems from its dedication to improving the online experience for people everywhere whilst keeping the web safe and open for everyone.
CyberMentors offer advice and support, but in severe cases where someone could be in immediate danger, refer problems to a Beatbullying cyber counsellor who will take appropriate action.  To date, over 95,000 young people have accessed the CyberMentors website. There are now over 1,000 fully trained CyberMentors across the UK, with plans to grow that number by training further youngsters nationwide.


Firefox for CyberMentors 
:: for Windows
Firefox for CyberMentors 
:: for Mac
Firefox for CyberMentors 
:: for Linux

I do not own this. 

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