Monday, 18 February 2013

Bullying Outside of School

I have been wondering about this for quite some time and I have now found this:
"Bullying outside school premises
Head teachers have a specific statutory power to discipline pupils for poor behaviour
outside of the school premises. Section 89(5) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006
gives head teachers the power to regulate pupils’ conduct when they are not on school
premises and are not under the lawful control or charge of a member of school staff (this
legislation does not apply to independent schools). This can relate to any bullying
incidents occurring anywhere off the school premises, such as on school or public
transport, outside the local shops, or in a town or village centre.
Where bullying outside school is reported to school staff, it should be investigated and
acted on. The head teacher should also consider whether it is appropriate to notify the
police or anti-social behaviour coordinator in their local authority of the action taken
against a pupil. If the misbehaviour could be criminal or poses a serious threat to a
member of the public, the police should always be informed."
You may like to take a look at the full document here: 
Subsection (5) of section 89 in the Education and Inspectors Act 2006 states the following:
"(5)The measures which the head teacher determines under subsection (1) may, to such extent as is reasonable, include measures to be taken with a view to regulating the conduct of pupils at a time when they are not on the premises of the school and are not under the lawful control or charge of a member of the staff of the school." 
The whole of this section 89 can be found here: 
However the whole of the Education and Inspectors Act 2006 can be found here:
More info about issues surrounding young people can be found here:

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